Board of Directors
Jody Joyner

Jody Joyner (GS-72, English) is a native of Farmville, NC. As an attorney, he assisted with the legal formation and application for tax-exempt status for the North Carolina Governors School Foundation (NCGSF) in 1990 and has provided pro bono legal service as general counsel for NCGSF as needed since its formation. He has both his undergraduate (AB with Highest Honors in Economics, 1977) and graduate (JD and MBA, 1981) degrees from UNC-Chapel Hill.
Jody is a member of the law firm Moore & Van Allen PLLC in Charlotte, which he joined in 1986. He currently works from his home and resides in Raleigh. His primary areas of practice include tax aspects of renewable energy facility financings and equipment leasing and tax and corporate law advice for closely held businesses and tax-exempt organizations. Jody serves as a pro bono volunteer with the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits and is active in various capacities in his church.